Chinese Shareholder Status

One piece of data disclosed on corporate records from China’s National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System is the legal status of a company’s shareholders. Not common in other jurisdictions, Chinese shareholder status data provides useful insights into a company’s shareholding structure.

Where is a Company’s Shareholder Status Found?

This data is reported in the Organization Type (类型) field, in parenthesis after the company’s corporate structure:


Fig. 1: This company discloses that it has a single shareholder who is a natural person (自然人独资).

Common Chinese Shareholder Statuses

Below are some of the shareholder statuses commonly found in Chinese corporate records along with their definitions:


Shareholder Status


Natural person(s) hold(s) a controlling stake (自然人控股)

The company is majority-owned by two or more individuals.

Natural person(s) is/are invested or hold(s) a controlling stake (自然人投资或控股)

The company’s shareholders include two or more individuals.

Domestically-invested enterprise legal person (内资企业法人)

The company’s shareholders are two or more companies, partnerships, or other legal entities.

Single natural person shareholder (自然人独资)

The company is wholly owned by a single individual.

Single legal person shareholder (法人独资)

The company is wholly-owned by a single company, partnership, or other legal entity.

Single legal person shareholder in which natural person(s) is/are invested or hold(s) a controlling stake (自然人投资或控股的法人独资)

The company’s sole shareholder is a company that is owned by a single individual.

China-foreign joint venture (中外合作)

The company’s shareholders include both Chinese and foreign persons; these may both be legal persons, both natural persons, or a combination of the two.

Foreign-commercial joint venture (外商合资)

The company’s shareholders include both Chinese and foreign persons; these may both be legal persons, both natural persons, or a combination of the two.

Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau-domestic joint venture (台港澳与境内合作)

The company’s shareholders include both Chinese and persons from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and/or Macau; these may both be legal persons, both natural persons, or a combination of the two.

Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau joint venture (台港澳合资)

The company’s shareholders include both Chinese and persons from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and/or Macau; these may both be legal persons, both natural persons, or a combination of the two.

Ownership by the people (i.e., state-owned, 全民所有制 or 全民)

This company is owned by the state, with a State-owned Asset Supervision and Administration organ (国有资产监督管理机构) functioning in the role normally occupied by the Board of Shareholders in a privately held company.

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