Guatemala Guatecompras Contractor Registry
Guatemala’s System of Contracts and Acquisitions of the State (Sistema de Información de Contrataciones y Adquisiciones del Estado, GuateCompras) is a government contractor registry that includes corporate information on companies that hold government contracts. However, GuateCompras also contains corporate information on all legal entities and sole proprietors in Guatemala with a tax ID number regardless of whether or not they are government contractors. This makes it a useful tool for investigators.
The information in GuateCompras is mainly sourced from Guatemala’s Superintendency of Tax Administration (Superintendencia de Administración Tributaria, SAT). Therefore it is always a good idea to confirm corporate information found in Guatecompras with information from the SAT.
Sayari Graph users have access to GuateCompras entity profiles.
Information Included in the Record
Because it is not technically a corporate registry, GuateCompras does not typically provide scanned copies of corporate filings. Instead, the database provides structured information about each entity. Below is a list of important information typically included in each entity’s record:
Field | Definition |
Legal Name (Nombre o razón social) | The legal name of the company or person |
Tax ID Number (Número de Identificación Tributaria—NIT) | The tax ID number of the company or person issued by the SAT |
Comercial Name/Alias (Nombre Comercial) | This field appears to include both conventional business/trade names—commercial aliases of a company doing business under an alias different from its legal name—as well as sole proprietorships of individuals, in cases in which a natural person is the subject of the record. |
Legal Representatives (Representantes Legales) | Where available, this field provides a company’s Legal Representative; his or her ID number; and the statutory end date of his or her term of appointment. |
Additional Information (Datos Adicionales) | This section provides the company’s incorporation date (Fecha de Constitución), registration date (Inscripción Provicional en el Registro Mercantil), and primary business activity (Actividad Económica). |
Address (Domicilio Fiscal) | This section provides information about the company’s domicile. |
Public Contracts (Adjudicaciones de un proveedor) | Where applicable, this field provides a description of prior government contracts awarded to the company or person. Information provided includes a description of the contract, its total monetary value, and information about the bidding process. |